Deb's Doodles

Dot Slash To Do

I like to make a list of things that need to be done for the day, although my approach tends to be a little chaotic—make a list on a post-it taped to the corner of my screen, make a list in evernote or keep or what-have-you, scribble in unintelligible letters on my whiteboard. Either way, I can’t remember where I’ve written down the things I need to remember, let alone remember what I actually need to remember!

To ease this menace, I went about writing a little command line To Do list that'll tell me what I need to do when I ask it.

Here’s a sample run:

$ todo add Go to XYZ

$ todo add Meet Phil

$ todo
1. Go to XYZ
2. Meet Phil

$ todo del
What’ve you done old (wo)man?
1. Go to XYZ
2. Meet Phil

$ todo
1. Meet Phil

Here's what todo can do:

  1. todo add <thing to be done> will add an entry to your To Do list.
  2. todo del will ask you which entry to remove from your To Do list.
  3. todo will show you the things you need to do.
  4. todo help

It’s pretty simple but it has helped me immensely. You can check out the code and installation instructions here.